Bone Comp

Bone Comp 1

Bone Comp

 Bone Comp

Nutritional support for bones healing and strength 

Bones grow and develop throughout childhood and adolescence, and in a person’s twenties bone mass increases by 15 percent. Every bone has a combination of compact tissue and spongy tissue, with the amount and proportion in constant flux. Some bones are so dense they appear solid, while others are primarily a complex webbing of bone tissue.

Two types of bone cells reshape bones. The “osteoclast” detects older or slightly damaged bone matter and slowly dissolves it, leaving behind a space. The “osteoblast” then moves into this space and spins out new bone matter to fill the space. With osteoclast/osteoblast equilibrium, bone mass remains stable. When the equilibrium shifts, bone mass is altered.

Bone, like all living tissue, requires adequate nutrition for proper growth. Bones need sufficient levels of minerals, especially calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, zinc, copper, and silicon, plus vitamins A, C, and K.

Alfalfa – A rich source of minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, proteins and saponin glycosides. Contains natural fluoride, which helps to prevent tooth decay and harden bones. 

Beet Root – Contemporary uses include muscle spasms, diuresis, persistent cough and as an expectorant to clear respiratory mucus.

Cayenne – High vitamin A content essential for normal cellular activity and growth. Used as a catalyst in combinations, aiding the absorption and effectiveness of other herbs.

DandelionHigh nutrient foodUsed for calcium deficiencies and improving the enamel of teeth.

Horsetail – Helps facilitate the use of calcium in the body. Studies have shown that fractured bones will heal much faster when Horsetail is taken. Contains large amounts of silica.

Hydrangea – Calcium solvent. Contains alkaloids that behave like cortisone without the deleterious side effects.

Irish Moss – Absorbs toxins from the bowel, soothes inflamed tissues, and pulls radiation poison from the body.

Marshmallow – A mucilaginous calcium-rich herb. Very soothing for sore or inflamed parts of the body.

Meadowsweet – Helps dissolve the systemic inorganic crystalline deposits in gout, rheumatism and arthritis.

Oatstraw – Helps hold calcium in the body and is very high in silica. Rich in bodybuilding materials.

Rue – Has been used for arthritis, dislocations, sprains, injuries of the bone, inflammations of the skin, and toothaches.

Stinging Nettle – Neutralizes uric acid and prevents its crystallization. An alkalizing herb, useful as a rich source of minerals and vitamin K.

Turmeric – Rich in potassium and iron. Contains volatile oil with anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity.



The Burton Goldberg Group; Alternative Medicine The Definitive Guide, The Little Herb Encyclopedia; Jack Ritchason, N.D.,,,
